Sphagni Citri ...
or lemon, has cooling and mediating properties. Its cooling properties will hold back the warmth process, uplifting and bring balance where an abundance of the warmth process has sapped ones vitality. Use in summer to help awaken and revitialise. To connect to the effect of Citri, recall the taste of the lemon. It draws you back in, providing a boundary and the space needed for readjustment and transition. Like Rosemary, it is uplifting but without the added strength that Rosemary's extra warmth brings. TEXT BY ANNETTE BATCHELOR Ingredients: Almond Oil, Olive Oil, Aqua Sphagni, Lanolin, Wool Alcohol, Ethanol, Sea Weed Extract, Lemon Essential Oil Available in 50mls,100mls,200mls |