The First Aid Range
The Southern Swan First Aid Range includes Arnica, Calendula, Hypericum and Urtica Urens products.
The Arnica range is prepared from wild plants harvested in Europe. The Calendula, Hypericum and Urtica Urens ranges are prepared from locally harvested plants. All products are handmade in small batches. We recommend these products be used in conjunction with applying General First Aid Procedure For acute bruising, sprains and strains accompanied by swelling, bruising and pain apply the following treatment. Rest - to prevent futher injury Ice - to reduce pain ( Apply a cold compress wrapped in a wet cloth for 15mins every 2 hours for 24 hours then 15 mins every 4 hours for next 24 hours) Compression - to reduce swelling ( Wrap with elastic bandage well beyond injury) Elevation - raise the injured limb to help reduce swelling. (Do not massage or heat an acutely injured area within the first 48 hours) NB : If the injury is severe or does not show any improvement within 2 days, seek medical advice For further First Aid Information visit |